Sunday, March 4, 2012

New month - new partner - new condiment!

Well, this whole brain teaching certainly has it's ups and downs, no?

I still have a couple of boys who will. not. buy. in.  Nope, not gonna do it.  "You want me to work with a partner?  Nope.  You want me to gesture?  No way.  You want me to participate with enthusiasm?  Not gonna happen lady.

What to do?  I'm super sad and disappointed that I have little firsties that are already so jaded and too-cool-for-school to have fun with learning.  When did that happen?  Is it a coincidence that both these peanuts have much older siblings?  I think not.  They are too big for their britches!

I considered putting them together and letting them have their own little pity party together while the rest of us have fun, fun, fun.  But thought against it and paired them with some of my most eager beavers, hoping some of the fun-ness and love for learning rubs off on them.

Moving on....

Every month, I change the kids seats.  I want them to constantly have a new, fresh perspective.  In February, my kids had 'peanut butter and jelly partners.'  This month, we have moved on to ketchup (or catsup if you prefer;) and mustard.  HOWEVER, being that I only have 6 girls, and they were working SO well with their partners, I left all of them the same.  Why fix what's not broken, right?