Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Days 1 & 2

Wow.  I mean WOW (underline, bold, exclamation point)!

My students are like different people.  After Day 1, I could already see an improvement.  But, figured, novelty can be to blame.  And now after 2 days, I'm still hoping its not just novelty here, they are 

What have I tried so far?  In my class we:

Have new rules!  Yes, halfway through the year, and we have new rules.  They like them.  They are very clearly defined.  I always say that kids do better when they know what's expected of them.  I guess my old rules just didn't cut it weren't any good weren't specific enough. So, our NEW rules (with the hand movements we do) are:

Rule #1:  Follow directions quickly.  (hand moves like a fish swimming in water)
Rule #2:  Raise your hand for permission to speak. (raise hand and then bring to shoulder level and pretend hand is a mouth talking)
Rule #3:  Make smart choices.  (tap head)
Rule #4:  Keep your dear teacher happy.  (hands open wide next to face, like jazz hands, and tilt head back and forth)

I know many other have another rule:  "Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat."  I allow my kiddos to get their sweatshirts, put them away, get pencils from the sharp cup and get sips of water when they need to.  Having them raise their hands all the time would only serve the purpose of making me crazy.  So, we tossed that rule.

I made rule cards, and laminated them.  They look like this:

We review these rules ALL THE STINKIN' TIME.

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